

56 Uppsatser om Fictive kinship - Sida 1 av 4

Öppna och stängda dörrar : En studie om identitetsomformningsprocessen hos ensamstående mödrar med invandrarbakgrund

The aim of this qualitative deep interview study was to gain deeper understanding of single immigrant mothers´life situation. Grounded Theory was the method of analysis. Repeated interviews with five immigrant women from different parts of the world showed that women were in need of wider and deeper social networks in order to reconstruct their identities. Social support and social networks benefit, not only reconstruction of identity, but also personal well-being. Yet it is difficult for them to create social networks in the new country, because of single motherhood.

Familjehemsplacering hos "annan närstående" : en undersökning, med utgångspunkt i SoL 6:5, om socialsekreterares uppfattning och övervägande av närståendeplacering

Our study has its starting point in the Swedish social legislation (Socialtjänstlagen) and more specifically in the 6th chapter's 5th paragraph. That paragraph regulates that social workers should try to find a kinship care placement when they are about to do a placement of a child. Our purpose is to examine how social workers, before they do a placement of a child, understand the informal kinship that is not relatives, if they consider the informal kinship and if certain circumstances have an impact on the consideration. To get this information we have done five interviews with social workers. Recent studies show that social workers in past years have begun to think more positively of people's kinships and that they more often use the resources of the kinship.

Att vara anhörig eller anhörigvårdare

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze experiences of how the daily rounds and a persons role is changing when you go from being a family member to being a family member as well as being a kinship carer.Essential questions at issue was:- Which feelings are associated to the roll as kinship carer?- What are the motivations for the relative/family member to become a kinship carer?- What is the change of the role like before and after the disease.Six persons have been interviewed on the subject and symbolic interactionism and role theory has been our theoretical perspective. The essay has been related to the ideas of Meads on social interaction and to Goffmans theatre theorem.The result of the essay showed that feelings and motivations as regards to the daily rounds and the role of the kinship carer were individual, where similarities and differences occurred. When ones partner, parent or child got a disease/functional disability it generated in some changes regarding their daily rounds and it led to altering of roles. To assume a role was a natural result and often happened when a relative/family member got a disease or an injury..

'Jag vill bli alldeles vansinnigt älskad' : en närläsning av Line Knutzons dramatik

This essay investigates the function of fictional space and thematics in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works.My main theoretical concept is thematic unity, factors that unite several plays by one author.I have found three major themes: the encounter, identity and childhood, which I study in five of Knutzon?s plays: The Splint In The Heart, The Latest Thing, First You?re Born, The Air Others Breathe and The Time Will Soon Come.I study three aspects of space: fictive space, where the play is set, the characters? inner space and exterior space, that which is outside fictive space: society. Fictive space is shown mainly via dialogue and context.It is evident that the themes, most clearly visible in the five chosen plays, are very important in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works. Most typical is the way she portrays childhood memories, in monologues showing that her characters exist in a ?hole?, in the void between childhood and adulthood.My investigation leads to the conclusion that Knutzon deals with existential matters: there is a kind of constant chaos, within her characters, expressed in actions and thoughts.

It´s a way of understanding the universe while leaving the universe unexplained : Sökandet efter det autofiktiva jaget i Jeanette Wintersons Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

In this essay I examine the auto fictive self in Jeanette Wintersons Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit. I do this through a close reading of the novel using Mieke Bals narratological terms;narrator, story, fabula, time and order. These narratological terms have been merged together with central themes of the book. I look at the readers understanding of the novel, the relation between fairytale and realism, symbols, intertextuality, the mother-daughter relationship and silences and I analyze these themes in their relation to autofiction and the auto fictive self.  Gemma Lopez Seductions and Narratives has been a key reference, mainly her theories on self-creation in narratives, and the construction of the self, trough language. The narrative is the place where the self can transgress and reshape, which gives the narrative a subversive power. I analyze this presumed power, and look at how the story shapes an opportunity for the subject to see itself.

Påverkan : Hur intertextualitet påverkat innehåll och berättarröst i romanen Panik (Den ätbare mannen)

The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss what exile writing is and who can be seen as an exile writer. If the word ?exile? is related to forced dislocation, like Paul Tabori and Sopia A. McClennen describes it, who can be viewed as an exile writer? Is Anders Olsson?s definition of an exile writer acceptable or not? Could the The Escape, a future story about exiled Northern Europeans in Myanmar, be classified as exile literature?Another purpose with this text is to describe how a story about exile can be made realistic and tangible to a reader who has not experienced exile.

Flykten : en tolkning av exil

The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss what exile writing is and who can be seen as an exile writer. If the word ?exile? is related to forced dislocation, like Paul Tabori and Sopia A. McClennen describes it, who can be viewed as an exile writer? Is Anders Olsson?s definition of an exile writer acceptable or not? Could the The Escape, a future story about exiled Northern Europeans in Myanmar, be classified as exile literature?Another purpose with this text is to describe how a story about exile can be made realistic and tangible to a reader who has not experienced exile.

Smålands Entreprenörs Akademi, SEA : En studie i vision, fantasi och kreativitet

The aim of the study was to show whether or not there exists, and if so, to understand, a common creativity, vision and imagination of the members of Småland?s Entrepreneurial Academy?s organisation.The method used for this research is the fictive narrative collage , which consists of the collection of fictive stories. The author has also made her own additions to the method. A composer composes songs to the narratives, two artists illustrate the narratives. The research is carried out on the total population within Småland?s Entrepreneurial Academy which consists of 10 permanent members of the organisation.The theory focuses on different areas, such as creativity, vision and imagination as well as on the entrepreneur and the organisation.

Bevarande av svensk låglandsboskap

Sweden signed, in 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and has thus assumed responsibility for the indigenous biodiversity. That also means that Sweden has a conservation responsibility for the Swedish Friesian (SLB) (SJV, 2007a). In a survey conducted by the Board of Agriculture (SJV) in 1996, it appeared that there were around 780 cows and heifers of the SLB breed (SJV, 1997). SJV did in 2006 a plan for the development of livestock genet-ic resources and the number of cows of SLB was estimated at approximately 200. This meant that the SLB was in need of being conserved and SJV assumed it would be categorized as threatened.The primary objective of conservation of a breed is to reduce the loss of the original genetic variation (Lacy et al., 1995).

Norrländsk känsla för Japan

Sweden signed, in 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and has thus assumed responsibility for the indigenous biodiversity. That also means that Sweden has a conservation responsibility for the Swedish Friesian (SLB) (SJV, 2007a). In a survey conducted by the Board of Agriculture (SJV) in 1996, it appeared that there were around 780 cows and heifers of the SLB breed (SJV, 1997). SJV did in 2006 a plan for the development of livestock genet-ic resources and the number of cows of SLB was estimated at approximately 200. This meant that the SLB was in need of being conserved and SJV assumed it would be categorized as threatened.The primary objective of conservation of a breed is to reduce the loss of the original genetic variation (Lacy et al., 1995).

Verkligheten från en annan vinkel. NIPIS-en produkt av en fiktiv värld

The project has sprung out of my imagination. I wanted to find out what happened to my creativity, and my way of making product design if I used the method of putting myself into a fictive world. The project has taught me to rely on myself and my knowledge as a designer.I have made a chair which closes out sounds and gestures in public places. A chair which provides you with peace and quiet in a busy environment..

Prestandaskillnader mellan olika ZFS-implementationer

Detta arbete är utfört i syfte att undersöka tillämpningar bäst lämpade för implementationer av plattformsoberoende RESTful webbtjänster med fokus på användarautentisering och skalbarhet. Arbetets resultat gällande användarautentisering menar till att problematisera det allmänt sedda tvånget av en kommunikation bestående av fler än två parter samt menar att en resursförfrågan, för användaren, först blir säker då kommunikationen bryter mot REST och statelessness. Arbetets resultat gällande skalbarhet menar till att ifrågasätta den allmänna bilden av en applikations resurs samt menar att bildandet av ett släktskap, The Resource Kinship, möjliggör för en förenklad filtrering av resursers representation och en strukturerad uppbyggnad av resursers indelning och adressering..

Mjölksammansättning hos djur som helt eller delvis fastar under digivningsperioden

This literature study assembles current knowledge about CODD (Contagious Ovine Digital Dermatitis). The aetiology of this disease is not completely known and to obtain a manageable overview, this study aims to summarize the knowledge from published studies and shed light on the subject. Search for literature on the subject has been made in the Web of Knowledge, PubMed and Google Scholar, and has been compiled in this paper. Footrot and ovine interdigital dermatitis are differential diagnosis of CODD and they possibly have a common role in the emergence of CODD. Several studies have drawn parallels to bovine digital dermatitis.

Innebörden av infektion med Treponema spp. vid digital dermatit hos får samt likheter med bovin digital dermatit

This literature study assembles current knowledge about CODD (Contagious Ovine Digital Dermatitis). The aetiology of this disease is not completely known and to obtain a manageable overview, this study aims to summarize the knowledge from published studies and shed light on the subject. Search for literature on the subject has been made in the Web of Knowledge, PubMed and Google Scholar, and has been compiled in this paper. Footrot and ovine interdigital dermatitis are differential diagnosis of CODD and they possibly have a common role in the emergence of CODD. Several studies have drawn parallels to bovine digital dermatitis.

Statelessness erases every trace of security : Tillämpningar för implementation av plattformsoberoende RESTful webbtjänster med fokus på användarautentisering och skalbarhet

Detta arbete är utfört i syfte att undersöka tillämpningar bäst lämpade för implementationer av plattformsoberoende RESTful webbtjänster med fokus på användarautentisering och skalbarhet. Arbetets resultat gällande användarautentisering menar till att problematisera det allmänt sedda tvånget av en kommunikation bestående av fler än två parter samt menar att en resursförfrågan, för användaren, först blir säker då kommunikationen bryter mot REST och statelessness. Arbetets resultat gällande skalbarhet menar till att ifrågasätta den allmänna bilden av en applikations resurs samt menar att bildandet av ett släktskap, The Resource Kinship, möjliggör för en förenklad filtrering av resursers representation och en strukturerad uppbyggnad av resursers indelning och adressering..

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